Line-bred canola
The line variety JEREMY was developed by our breeder Heinrich Schrems, and after HARRY and BERNY, it is the latest powerful canola variety that has been established successfully on the market. JEREMY was able to easily surpass our high expectations, with root collar diameters of almost 2 cm (in fall 2019) and its impressive development in fall, which can be considered on the same level as rapidly growing hybrid varieties. Furthermore, JEREMY’s winter hardiness is rated an excellent APS 2, while its date of bloom and early maturity are identical with the already established standard variety HARRY. JEREMY has been the most powerful canola line variety in Central Europe since 2018. Dry areas are especially prone to only marginal field emergence, which often leads to early tillage of deficient canola populations. In these regions, the considerably cheaper line varieties should be preferred.
Variety characteristics
Source: AGES – Institut für Nachhaltige Pflanzenproduktion
1 = very low development … 9 = very high development
Packaging unit: | 750.000 grains or 1,5 Mio. grains |
Sowing rate: | 1 Pkg / 1,5 ha or 1 Pkg / 3 ha |
Organic seeds: | unavailable |
Untreated seeds: | available |
Scenic Gold coating: | available |
Buteo Start coating: | available |

Do you know ... ?
Hybrid canola
The number 1 in grain yield – the officially highest-yielding canola variety!