Two-rowed winter malting barley

The new quality winter malting barley LIVADA will replace the well-established PIROSKA starting in the fall of 2024 and will perfectly complement the main variety KWS DONAU. LIVADA has been registered in the Austrian variety list with yield performances identical to KWS DONAU and Sonja. Agronomically, LIVADA is also perfectly suited for domestic winter malting barley regions and shows a significant improvement in lodging resistance with APS 4. However, the greatest advantage lies in the grain and malt quality. LIVADA is literally the “Ferrari” in the current portfolio. The highest screening values, optimal protein content, and top scores in all parameters of malt quality form the foundation for the significant market relevance of this new proprietary variety. LIVADA is now also being developed outside Europe in many European countries as a high-quality winter malting barley.
Variety characteristics
Source: AGES – Institut für Nachhaltige Pflanzenproduktion
1 = very low development … 9 = very high development
Sowing strength: | 310 - 370 grains / m² |
Sowing rate: | 140 - 200 kg / ha |
Organic seeds: | untreated seeds available |
500kg Big Bag | available |

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Two-rowed winter fodder barley
BIANCA – the healthy fodder barley with high yield potential.