The breeding site in Probstdorf is located in the Marchfeld region, a pannonic-influenced arid environment which is – due to its special climatic features – predestined for the breeding of drought resistance, yield stability and different quality attributes. This can be especially beneficial for Central and Eastern European countries. Therefore, Probstdorfer Saatzucht has founded various subsidiary companies – partially with local partners – in Austria‘s neighbouring countries.
In addition Probstdorfer Saatzucht maintains numerous license partnerships with different countries, such as Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Azerbaijan and Russia, as well as Great Britain, Canada and the USA.
Karintia Kft., Vasvar, Hungary
The acquisition of Karintia in the year 2000 marked the first step into the Eastern European expansion of the Mauthner Group. Originally, the main expertise of Karintia was in the trade of agricultural commodities. In the last couple of years, the seed business has developed into one of the primary pillars of the company. For Hungarian farmers, Karintia offers the best varieties of all kinds of cereal crops, soybean and canola developed by Probstdorfer Saatzucht in combination with competent consulting services.
For more information, please visit:

Probstdorfer Saatzucht Romania s.r.l., Bucuresti / Calarasi, Romania
In 2004, Probstdorfer Saatzucht undertook its first steps into the Romanian market. This commitment was intensified with the foundation of Probstdorfer Saatzucht Romania in 2006. In Modelu (in the region Calarasi, close to the Bulgarian border), a state-of-the-art, western-influenced seed production facility with modern treatment technology is operated by Probstdorfer Saatzucht Romania.
Probstdorfer Saatzucht Romania multiplies the best Probstdorfer varieties, either on its own farm or in cooperation with local farmers, and subsequently provides Romanian farmers and agricultural companies with high-quality seeds. As a result of periodic field days, demo plots and intensive mentoring, the company succeeded in establishing Probstdorfer quality seeds – especially winter wheat varieties – in Romania and even managed to extend their market share to take a leading role in the country.
For further information, please visit:

Donausaat s.r.l., Bucuresti, Romania
In 2014, Probstdorfer Saatzucht and Saatbau Linz acquired a Romanian breeding program for sunflowers and denominated it Donau Saat. The breeding program spans sunflower hybrids for the European market, as well as for the Black Sea region. These sunflower hybrids are developed with traditional breeding methods and correspond with today’s requirements to herbicide resistance. Furthermore, Donau Saat markets a selected portfolio of varieties of all grain types, sunflower, soybean, corn and different legumes of both shareholders in Romania.
For more information, please visit:

Danube Agro TOV, Kiev, Ukraine
Since 2010, Probstdorfer Saatzucht has been an active player in the Ukrainian seed market with their subsidiary company Danube Agro. Danube Agro markets many well adapted Probstdorfer varieties of winter wheat, soybean, winter grain canola, barley, durum and sunflower. Danube Agro has successful cooperation with several mulitplication and distribution partners and is involved in establishing a comprehensive cultivation network of Probstdorfer varieties in the Ukraine.
For more information, please visit:

Mauthner d.o.o., Koprivnica, Croatia
In 2016, Mauthner doo was founded as a subsidiary company in Croatia, which quickly evolved into an important local partner for Croatian farmers for crop trade, fertilizer and seeds. Mauthner doo successfully markets seeds of Probstdorfer varieties of cereals, soybean and oil seeds. In 2019, Mauthner doo intensified their commitment in the Croatian market by acquiring the silo facility in Koprivnica.
For more information, please visit: