Multi-rowed winter barley - fodder barley

The new breeding FREDERICA is the successor to the popular FRIDERICUS and currently holds the title of highest-yielding multi-rowed winter barley breed in Austria (4 – 18 % above rival varieties!). Moreover, FREDERICA convinces with superior sieving grades and significantly better Ramularia tolerance. Despite its longer growth, FREDERICA also provides decent plant stability.
Variety characteristics
Source: AGES – Institut für Nachhaltige Pflanzenproduktion
1 = very low development … 9 = very high development
Sowing strength: | 250 - 300 grains / m² |
Sowing rate: | 120 - 175 kg / ha |
Organic seeds: | untreated seeds available |
500kg Big Bag: | available |

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Multi-rowed winter barley
The new variety CARIOCA is a very productive barley variety for all cultivation regions.
Multi-rowed winter barley
The earliest winter barley variety with enormous yield potential!