Multi-rowed winter barley - fodder barley

The multi-row winter barley variety JOURNEY is officially the highest-yielding winter barley variety (APS 9 in both production areas) in Austria. When it comes to ripening behavior and stability, JOURNEY is very similar to the tried-and-tested SEMPER. JOURNEY also shows medium mildew susceptibility and excellent leaf rust, net blotch and scald resistance. Furthermore, JOURNEY is the most Ramularia-tolerant barley variety currently available. After the discontinuation of the agent Chlorthalonil in April 2020, this improved tolerance can be considered a very strong argument for JOURNEY, as Ramularia symptoms develop much later and are present in much lower intensity than with most varieties in comparison.
Variety characteristics
Source: AGES – Institut für Nachhaltige Pflanzenproduktion
1 = very low development … 9 = very high development
Sowing strength: | 250 - 300 grains / m² |
Sowing rate: | 120 - 175 kg / ha |
Organic seeds: | unavailable |
500kg Big Bag: | available |

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