Winter triticale

The new RAGT variety RGT TAMAC would also be suitable for spring sowing as a rotational crop, but the focus is clearly on autumn sowing. The new variety impresses with its highest yield performance, early heading, and very early maturity. Except for a slightly higher sensitivity to powdery mildew infections, RGT TAMAC shows an excellent resistance level to brown rust, yellow rust, Rhynchosporium leaf blotch, and Fusarium head blight (APS 2). Its lodging resistance is identical to the main varieties Brehat and Lumaco, meaning that the use of growth regulators is essential for more intensive crop management.
Variety characteristics
Source: AGES – Institut für Nachhaltige Pflanzenproduktion
1 = very low development … 9 = very high development
Sowing strength: | 300 - 350 grains / m² |
Sowing rate: | 140 - 170 kg / ha |
Organic seeds: | available |
500kg Big Bag: | unavailable |

Do you know ... ?
Winter triticale
TRICANTO stands for grain and straw yield as well as for highest grain quality.