Two-rowed winter fodder barley

With its long, craning heads, the two-rowed fodder barley variety BIANCA is not only just a visual enrichment for the domestic winter barley range. BIANCA was always able to cope very well with the diverse climatic conditions of the past years. BIANCA also performs with superior and especially well balanced leaf health and can be seen as one of the healthier two-rowed barley varieties regarding Ramularia (APS rating 6). BIANCA was able to outperform all previous market-dominating two-rowed barley varieties in both grain yield and sieving grade (>2,2 mm) in all cultivation regions.
Variety characteristics
Source: AGES – Institut für Nachhaltige Pflanzenproduktion
1 = very low development … 9 = very high development
Sowing strength: | 310 - 370 grains / m² |
Sowing rate: | 140 - 200 kg / ha |
Organic seeds: | available |
500kg Big Bag: | available |