Hybrid canola
The new hybrid rapeseed breed was registered as the highest yielding rapeseed variety in Austria in December 2021. Despite its long and abundant growth, LG APOLLONIA is extremely stable and shines with excellent stem health and turnip yellow virus (TuYV) tolerance. In spring 2022, LG APOLLONIA convinced with superior vitality and rapid spring development on multiple trial sites. The early flowering paired with its medium ripening time lead to an elongated grain filling phase – resulting in a distinct yield surplus in comparison to other major varieties. Moreover, the oil content of LG APOLLONIA can be assessed as very positive as well.
Variety characteristics
Source: AGES – Institut für Nachhaltige Pflanzenproduktion
1 = very low development … 9 = very high development
Packaging unit: | 750.000 grains or 1,5 Mio. grains |
Sowing rate: | 1 Pkg / 1,5 ha or 1 Pkg / 3 ha |
Organic seeds: | unavailable |
Untreated seeds: | unavailable |
Scenic Gold coating: | available |
Buteo Start coating: | available |

Do you know ... ?
Hybrid canola
The number 1 in grain yield – the officially highest-yielding canola variety!